In 1998, Insala’s CAO Matt Adams and I worked on a project to close facilities at a national manufacturing firm. In many cases, after twenty-plus years of loyal service, workers were forced to look for re-employment. It was then that we visualized a need for web-based career transition assistance that was affordable and practical for every person.
That workforce transition situation was a catalyst for our company's evolution. We took our human resources consulting and technology knowledge and merged it with the successful web development company of our third business partner, Doug Maxwell. Together, the three of us set out on a new journey to build a high quality, cost effective, web-based technology service line that facilitates one’s individual career journey while providing tools to the practitioner to manage and track the process.
Today, Insala's robust services continually travel around the globe with literally hundreds of success stories. We are recognized in the global career service and human resource industries as a leading technology partner synonymous with technology excellence.
Our original vision to implement systems online that empower every person with the tools to manage one's career has come to fruition. As a result, we continue to impact the lives of persons suffering from the lack of career knowledge while aiding the career services practitioner with robust capabilities and tools to more efficiently reach a greater audience.
For the future, expect Insala to continue on this career path with great momentum.
I want to recognize the people of Insala and Insala's partners for their collective contribution to the standardization of an ethical global career development process and the continued consolidation of the evolving career services industry.
Finally, thank you for visiting our web site. Hopefully, it will help you better understand who we are and why we exist.