Constantly changing market conditions demand proactive succession planning for your organization's success. Identifying bench strength is critical to avoid talent shortages. Business leaders need up-to-date information to make vital decisons for
short and long-term needs. iSuccession is designed to empower your organization with time saving tools to produce the critical information you need, when
you need it, for succession planning.
iSuccession Gives Your Organization the Ability to:
Identify and track high potentials and high performers
Manage all employee talent data to position
Track employee skills, competencies and interests through an employee-centric approach
Match talent to positions company-wide
Generate accurate talent pools
Reduce paper processing
Produce bench strength graphs and reports
Minimize data duplication with globally shared access
The recently published Aberdeen Group report, Succession
Planning Strategies - The Right People, for the Right Job, at
the Right Time, November 2006, states:
87% of Best in Class companies are implementing succession planning programs
60% of Best in Class companies are using technology
44% of companies measure bench-strength
Insala proudly sponsored the Aberdeen report, which
uncovered trends found during discussions with the
organizations we partner with for succession planning and
talent management. We are committed to promoting
such relevant research and best practices in this important
area. To request a copy of this informative report, please contact us